Adoption Advocates ORG


Welcome to Adoption Advocates ORG

AAO is registered in 2021 as a Board-led Civil Society Organization by FDRE Agency for Civil Society Organization under Licence No 5847. We advocate for the public understanding of domestic adoption and foster care.

Adoption Professionals

Adoption professionals who work on adoption or adoption-related professional services, probably share our enthusiasm for ensuring that all children have a loving, permanent family…

Adopted Children

Adoption is an important part of your life, and we recognize that it comes with a range of feelings and experiences. AAO is a reliable resource that can help you connect with other …

Family of Origin

As a guardian, giving a child up for adoption is a difficult decision and at the same time a decision that serves the best interest of the adopted child. Your connection with the child is legally maintained and always a vital part of your child's journey…

Birth Mothers

Adoption is possible beginning conception. Adoption for your child can be stressful, confusing, and frightening. You want to make the greatest decision possible for your child, and you'll need accurate, dependable information and resources to do it…

AAO is grateful &
thankful for
your continued

Educate yourself & become an advocate for

Vulnerable Children & Orphans

Adoption professionals who work on adoption or adoption-related professional services, probably share our enthusiasm for ensuring that all children have a loving, permanent family. AAO is dedicated to assisting you by connecting you with reliable resources, training, knowledge, and a network of other professionals.

Adoption is an important part of your life, and we recognize that it comes with a range of feelings and experiences. AAO is a reliable resource that can help you connect with other adopted people, find answers to your questions, or obtain assistance on how to handle the search and reunion process.

Support Us

Your donation will go towards AAO's programs and services to ensure that orphans and vulnerable children do get a family through a foster care program or have nurturing, permanent families through adoption.

Latest News & Events

The Conference offers you to interact with like minded professionals, know the latest information on the field and make a change.

30 / Nov

Coming Soon

Coming Soon …

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30 / Nov

Coming Soon

Coming Soon …

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About Us

We are determined to be a lifelong trusted resource for adoptive families, adopted individuals, and families of origin, foster families, foster children as well as the professionals who serve them and the policymakers whose decisions impact them.

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Contact Info
Addis Ababa, Mickey Leland Street, Bole Sub-city Woreda 04, House No 774 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
+2519 1140 1382

Registration: 5847
Board-led Civil Society Organization
